This will be pretty much, short, but sweet. My Internet had been down for almost 9 days, because of some very unfortunate decisions on the part of my internet providers' indiscretions and............OUTSOURCING! Sore subject? Maybe! ........Yeah. YES, very much so! Hope I didn't lose too many clients due to my firm beliefs in, Why would we possibly give away the work of an American woman or man, only to then see the economy go down the toilet! Why? Because we just gave away your job! That's why!
And it also makes it necessary for a small businesses owner, like myself and many of you, to have to make 25 phone calls, over a 9 day period, to remedy a very simple problem all because I had the audacity to move from a not so good living situation (13 years), only a couple of miles away, to a great situation! 13 years, I know, I don't learn real quickly...but like our canine, and feline buddies, I don't forget, much that I finally learn!
So the office is in the house; not so organized yet! I will begin lesson 1 with a new client! I am as usual, very optimistic with this one and have great reason to feel that way! Nice client, with only their wishes for happy pups (great attitude as well)...besides the fact that dogs always keep me feeling optimistic.
What could be better?
Good Health, and Peace, to all of you!
And it also makes it necessary for a small businesses owner, like myself and many of you, to have to make 25 phone calls, over a 9 day period, to remedy a very simple problem all because I had the audacity to move from a not so good living situation (13 years), only a couple of miles away, to a great situation! 13 years, I know, I don't learn real quickly...but like our canine, and feline buddies, I don't forget, much that I finally learn!
So the office is in the house; not so organized yet! I will begin lesson 1 with a new client! I am as usual, very optimistic with this one and have great reason to feel that way! Nice client, with only their wishes for happy pups (great attitude as well)...besides the fact that dogs always keep me feeling optimistic.
What could be better?
Good Health, and Peace, to all of you!