Why don't people seem to understand that an accident is exactly that? When does it become more? my own opinion is that it becomes an "on purpose" when people allow an accident to happen over and over again! It's more than a pet peeve when you walk your dog and the same people let their dogs get loose, over and over again. In one day, Boomer and I were accosted by 4 dogs, in three separate incidences! Even-though I train dogs for a living, even I get a little overwhelmed when one or two dogs are going after Boomer, who has so many anxiety problems to begin with! In my neighborhood, I'm the guy who is holding a Pitt-bull, in a submissive position, and trying to keep my Boomer (who is leashed and licensed) from getting overly excited and probably hurt. No its not particularly fair for a family to feel that kind of entitlement, that they can break a law with little regard to what might happen if a child runs in front of that same house, and gets knocked over, bitten, or worse! Or in my case, an abused pup!
Boomer thinks that he has his own Food Network! There are times that we need to move him out of the way, when he is watching the Refrigerator (his favorite program)! I think ever since he came flying (dogs don't need four legs to fly) across the kitchen floor after scoring a hot dog from his own personal " tall food dispenser", this appliance has been his article of great joy and pleasure! It was the first and last time that he ever fought me for a free meal that he decided to pilfer from the fridge! But I got to be honest, "I could not keep a straight face, the entire time! He doesn't score anymore food,(we worked on that), but the pleasure he derives from the smell, and the plot of the show, is worth everything to him!
Any funny food stories? Please let us know about it! "This is a message to all of my present, and hopefully future clients, as well! It's always a little tough at this time of the year, due to the great tendency we humans have on overly reflecting! Reflecting is GOOD, but dwelling just slows people down. Each day must be an event: We just don't know how many of these day/ events, we will be granted! So lets try not to waste too many of them! Part of me wants to jump in right now and shout, "Put a New Pet In YOUR HOME! Put An Old Pet In Your Home! Rescue a Pet! Do Something Nice For Each Other! (And that's it for today's sermon!) "I promise"! Too much reflecting, I guess! The every day me says, "if you already have a pet, then, give the pup or kitty ...or even lizard, a big hug! You both deserve it! CAUTION: But don't give your pet Cobra a hug! Why would you have a pet Cobra, anyways? I think that its illegal , anyways. "Get rid of that thing, before I turn you in!" I want to wish everyone of you a wonderful Holiday season! Animals make us whole, but as animal owners, you know this as well as I do! Below are just a few of the wonderful pets that I have had the absolute privilege to care for. I would imagine that you will know some or all of them. We have also lost some of our babies in this last year, and my heart goes out to all of you that have experienced this sort of loss. They know that we did well for them! That I'm sure of! What love would they have had, if it wasn't for ours! YOU ALL DESERVE TO BE CONGRATULATED! Yes, its the fur, feather, and scale babies, that really are my passion! I"d like to tell you a little bit about the joys of having a Pet Care business! I think that this is best accomplished by introducing some of these wonderful critters, that keep me smiling (most of the time)! The other part of this, is being the one who must be responsible for their well being, while their family is away! And that includes the emergency decisions that I must make, as well! They are the ones, that make a person truly know if they have what's necessary to do my job! It really does separate the true professionals, from the hobbyist! In my career, my decisions have saved the lives of at least two kitties, and four pups! These decisions usually have to do with contacting the owners (when possible), and doing the best thing possible to keep the fur babies safe, or, to actually save a life! Knowing animal first aid, is crucial, to making the correct decisions as well.
The very first time, I was put a the life or death situation, was many years ago, (of course, in the middle of January), when a little Dachshund, walked into it's families swimming pool, and proceeded to sink immediately to the bottom of the pool! These little short legged pups, are a little bit, like rocks with legs! Just not built for long distance swimming, or any other kind! They are , perhaps, better built for sponge diving in the ocean! (as long as there is a lifeguard on duty! A responsible Pet Care professional, or not, will do as I did... and jump in the pool to save the pup! I did, and the little girl was ok! I'm no hero...only someone that knows how to make responsible decisions, based on the events at hand! Sometimes you don't get much of a chance to think, only the choice to respond (or not)! If this sounds like an advertisement for my services, then, maybe it is! I don't take chances with my own animals, and I regard, your animals as mine, while under my care! I have studied animal first aid, and feel comfortable in most any sort of emergency! I feel that this is one of the things that separate a good Pet Sitter/ Dog Trainer, from one that perhaps, should be passed by, as not a good choice to watch your precious babies! ANY QUESTIONS? ![]() Here is a situation that I am very passionate about, and often get very angry about, as well! It is definitely more than a pet peeve, of mine! I really like all dogs, a lot! Big ones, small ones, problem ones, too! What I don't like, is to see a situation that spells disaster, and I can spot it a mile away! Even if it is in the shape of a little Chihuahua, or any of the small breeds of pups, that all too often are seen running through the streets, unattended! On the good occasions, I see Chihuahuas at the homes of my careful, considerate and loving clients! All too frequently, I see these dogs, on the streets, with no collars, and literally harassing and following all other dogs that are on leashes; as they should be!! Have any of you seen or been in this situation? It's also very unfortunate, but all too common, to eventually see (Have you seen this dog?) signs up on poles, looking for that very dog! The same one that I have had more than one encounter with! Why do these people not get it! These are little dogs! That's why people buy or adopt these cute little pups! Don't people realize that these dogs can escape from many barriers, fences, and even across a few castle, moats! They are champs at this, but often are found without even an ID tag of any sort! They don't get it! But we are supposed to! These little street walkers, love to follow other, bigger dogs on leashes, and that in itself can bring up some disturbing incidences! Unfortunately, I myself have witnessed the killing of one of these little dogs. It was by my own greyhound that had been harassed by a unleashed pup, who looked much like this snarly little guy, above! I was walking my three very well behaved dogs, when this little Chihuahua, with no leash or collar, decided to get as close as possible to my leashed dogs. He was making the situation, quite unbearable for all of us...until he got too close, and was caught by my sweet greyhound girl, who was only reacting to the taunts that were thrown at us by this unleashed dog! I did manage to get this pup to a vet, who told me to not put up signs to locate the owner! When I inquired why not, he became quite animated, and told me that he is so tired of seeing these animals come in, because the owners were just too uncaring, to make sure that an escape did not happen. He said that if the dog does pull through, that the owners have shown how little they care, already, by not properly securing the little dog, or tagging him or chipping him! He would see that it went to a shelter (no kill)! Unfortunately, after a week, the little guy didn't pull through! Today, while walking Boomer; up ahead of us, there was another one of these pups, who I know, used to be on the other side of the fence! That was before figuring out that he could get out! Yes, another Chihuahua! The problem is, this pooch can probably get back under as well, which might just mean that his owners were not even aware that junior can get out! After leaving a note for the owners, we will see if the fence has been repaired! I fear not, but I can hope! Dead Dog Walking? I'm afraid so! |
AuthorsI'm Allan, and have been in the Pet Care, Sitting/Training business, for the last 13 years. Cats, Dogs, Lizards, etc., you name it, I love, and care about them all! The last 9 of those years I have owned my own business, which has also given me a chance to exhibit my skills as a behavioral trainer as well. My passion is unmistakeable!
October 2017
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